XXVIII Dokuchaev’s readings 2025
Information capacity of knowledge about soil
Dear Colleagues! You are welcome to our website. Conference “Dokuchaev’s youth readings” is aimed at students and young scientists from universities and research institutions in Russia and foreign countries. “Dokuchaev’s readings” are the most popular forum for students and young Russian soil scientists. “Dokuchaev’s readings” are dated for the V.V. Dokuchaev birthday (March 1) outstanding naturalist, the founder of the soil science.
... fortunately, there is not only the great Darwin's law of struggle for existence, but there is another opposite law of love, community, self-help and particularly highly manifesting in the existence of our regions, such as soil, and natural historical.
V.V. Dokuchaev
Participation in the conference increases the rating of students and offer the challenge for admission to master’s and postgraduate studies, as well as the appointment of high or scholarships, to provide an opportunity test the results of your research in front of the scientific community, to improve the communication with the audience before defending a thesis, to get acquainted and to exchange experience with young scientists from different countries and cities of Russia. The conference participants are awarded certificates and the most distinguished – diplomas and gifts. Reports of students and young scientists are published before the conference. Reports that have received the high ratings, are published in the periodical of the St. Petersburg University and Dokuchaev Central Soil Science Museum “Materials for the study of Russian soils”, based A.V. Sovetov and V.V. Dokuchaev in 1885, and in the journal “Eurasian Soil Science” since 2023 . The themes of “Dokuchaev’s readings” are devoted to actual problems of soil science.
Twenty-seven conference took place in St. Petersburg on 28 February – 1 March, 2024. The theme was “Traditions and innovations in soil science”.
Country participants